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  • @robertmanella528
    @robertmanella528 58 хвилин тому

    God will have the last word on this!! Jesus I believe in you!!

  • @robertmanella528
    @robertmanella528 59 хвилин тому

    Pope Francis is not a valid Pope!! The chair of Peter is open, because his predecessor didn't retire according to cannon law!!!

  • @robertmanella528
    @robertmanella528 Годину тому

    I will stand with anyone who speaks aloud doctrine and dogma!!! Pope Francis is a heretic!! Pope Francis said on Easter Sunday that jesus christ death on the cross was a failure!!, this is hericy!! Jesus christ death on the cross is God's core plan of salvation!!!

  • @joshuajohnson1891
    @joshuajohnson1891 День тому

    The god of the bible condones slavery, rape, and genocide. Read your bible.

  • @BillyJoeBob-hd9fm
    @BillyJoeBob-hd9fm День тому

    Catholicism seems so bizarre and confused, going by these sites. All I find are people talking about Mary, tongues vs. hands, Latin vs. English, hatred of the pope, anger, strange saints, weird prophecies and signs and wonders, doomsday nonsense, obsession with sex and the devil, what a confused mess! Nobody ever talks about Jesus and his teaching: feeding the hungry, being peacemakers, not judging, not condemning, being merciful, loving one’s enemies, the hypocrisy and pride of religious leaders, etc. Are there any normal Catholic sites I can go to, or is this weird stuff all there is? Sad!

  • @FrankHannon-sv5bh
    @FrankHannon-sv5bh День тому

    To call Francis a false pope is schismatic, yet for Francis to make pronouncements that themselves are schismatic is not?? Msgr. Pope makes a most curious assertion by implication. I stand with Archbishop Vigano.

  • @wcsccITV
    @wcsccITV День тому

    I stand with Jesus and the Vicar of Christ-the office. Since that title was rejected by PF, he has abandoned us! Lord have mercy on us. Lord help us.

  • @kimthames2531
    @kimthames2531 День тому

    Victory for Vigano. why can't he deny a heretic? Why can't he call the truth? Should he hide it? Should he pretend? You see anybody else doing anything? You see anybody else taking a strong stand. You people can analyze all day long. but what God thinks is what matters. And the Holy Spirit is the spirit of Truth. .

  • @vernontrickey4115
    @vernontrickey4115 2 дні тому

    The safest thing for me is that their WAS a world of souls seeking swimming towards church due to our knowledge of the world coming to us in truth bombs. The door was about to flood through but due to the church's stance on WORLD AFFAIRS. Directly out of the Pope's mouth. Accept immigration good. Accept vaxx. Good. Accept climate bull. All NOT TRUTH.. Sadly I saw it as a time the church would gather many souls. But you didn't BC of the Pope. And now THIS door has been sealed with Vigano. Loosing souls coming to you that haven't for 50 yrs and the Pope blew it, All the churches when they closed their doors. It was to us. They refused to listen. The Victorian /Australian arch bishop hung up on my , insulted me and said I quote" I got six shots and your sounding stupid " He had zero care. What do you want me to do with that? The church is the people not the steeple

  • @vernontrickey4115
    @vernontrickey4115 2 дні тому

    Does the bible say anything about Pope's whom promote evil gov agendas that destroy us and whether we support the Pope blindly?

  • @quietmanvp1
    @quietmanvp1 2 дні тому

    How can you trust Vigano and/or anything he speaks about when his own brother Lorenzo (a priest) proved in court that Vigano stole over $2 million from him over years? The court ordered Vigano to pay him back, with interest. Vigano's own sister Susanna accused him of cheating her out of some real estate as well while he was "fighting corruption" in the Vatican. Always consider the source.

  • @user-kd8uq2yl5d
    @user-kd8uq2yl5d 2 дні тому

    Archbishop Viganò is a sincere and brave person in Jesus Christ`s Roman Catholic Church. Let us pray for him! The Antichrist of the end times has already arrived: "Let no one deceive you in any way. For unless the apostasy comes first and the lawless one is revealed, the one doomed to perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god and object of worship, so as to seat himself in the temple of God, claiming that he is a god - do you not recall that while I was still with you I told you these things? And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. But the one who restrains is to do so only for the present, until he is removed from the scene. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord [Jesus] will kill with the breath of his mouth and render powerless by the manifestation of his coming, the one whose coming springs from the power of Satan in every mighty deed and in signs and wonders that lie, and in every wicked deceit for those who are perishing because they have not accepted the love of truth so that they may be saved." (2 Thessalonians 2:3-10, Catholic Bible) Jesus Christ will come soon! Please pray!

  • @Pacdoc-oz
    @Pacdoc-oz 2 дні тому

    Does nobody besides me look askance at all this carnal pomp and circumstance of invented titles of hierarchical significance? Cardinals, Archbishops, Canons, Monsignors and multiple others?

  • @Pacdoc-oz
    @Pacdoc-oz 2 дні тому

    With nothing to do with the rash judgements of the arrogant, self-glorifying Pharisaical episcopus Vigano, I am highly disgusted by the abject betrayal of every faithful Chinese episcopus , in mainland China by this elected successor to the office of the holder of the keys given to Peter, by what seems to be his advocacy of the neo-Communist liberation theology for application to Christian behaviour and his failure to be absolutely clear about the distinction between homosexual orientation and homosexual acts - hate the sin and love the sinner. .

  • @andrewangelopacheco9960
    @andrewangelopacheco9960 3 дні тому


  • @andrewangelopacheco9960
    @andrewangelopacheco9960 3 дні тому

    How did the Church depose the previous 33 anti-Popes? What Vigano is doing is what past prelates did with anti-Popes. Vigano's positions are accurate. Sad we have too many Priests, Bishops, and Cardinals who don't have the courage to be ready to give their lives for Jesus Christ. I stand with Vigano. Because I want my Church back!!!

  • @CatholicSinner
    @CatholicSinner 3 дні тому

    Thank you- we need more morning glory shorts… keep them coming!

  • @crazyedswonderfulworldofso9370

    Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who once served as the Vatican’s ambassador to the United States, has made several serious accusations against the Pope and has harshly criticized Vatican II. Archbishop Vigano’s accusations were levelled against Pope Francis in an open letter published on August 22, 2018. His accusation was related to the “legitimization of homosexuality” by Pope Francis. Vigano claimed that this was part of the “agenda of the New World Order” and that a “gay lobby” within the Church was promoting both homosexuality and pedophilia. He also alleged that a “deep church” secretly collaborated with individuals involved in these activities. Additionally, Vigano’s statements have been controversial and have sparked debates within the Catholic Church. Failure to accept the authority of the Pope or calling into question his authority, places you automatically in schism. Canon Law clearly states, “...schism is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him.” (Canon 751) He is the most outspoken and frankly, perhaps the most enigmatic critic of Pope Francis. He was formally charged with schism by the Vatican Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. On June 11th a letter was sent to Vigano summoning him to come to the offices of the dicastery on June 20th to defend himself against charges of schism or, to designate a lawyer to do so on his behalf. Vigano did not respond to this summons. Instead, Vigano himself, went on social media to publish the letter he had been sent and to declare that he found the charge of schism from Pope Francis to be an honour. He compared himself to the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre who founded the breakaway Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) in the wake of the Second Vatican Council and who, to this day, remains in schism with the Church. Vigano showed no remorse for his actions. He made no effort to prove his innocence. He reportedly has had himself reconsecrated as a Catholic bishop by a traditionalist prelate who was associated with the SSPX. In doing so, he has formally identified himself with a breakaway or schismatic movement. In 2018 Vigano published a lengthy letter accusing Pope Francis of a coverup with regard to sexual abuse charges against ex-cardinal and ex-priest Theodore McCarrick in the United States and suggested that because of that, Pope Francis ought to resign. He became a champion of skepticism about the Coronavirus and of the opposition to getting vaccinated. He spoke outwardly against global warming and climate change and was a pseudo-apologist for Vladimir Putin in Russia. He talked about the growth of a kind of “deep State”, a one-world secularist, Masonic, anti-christian government regime. In his tweet on X (Twitter), Archbishop Vigano tweeted the crimes under schism for which he has been charged. They are: 1. Having committed the crime of schism and having denied the legitimacy of Pope Francis. 2. Having broken communion with Pope Francis. 3. Having rejected the Second Vatican Council. Also, in his tweet, Vigano admitted his guilt in these charges. He said, “I regard the accusations against me as an honor. I believe that the very wording of the charges confirms the theses that I have repeatedly defended in my various addresses. It is no coincidence that the accusation against me concerns the questioning of the legitimacy of Jorge Mario Bergoglio and the rejection of Vatican II: the Council represents the ideological, theological, moral, and liturgical cancer of which the Bergoglian “synodal church” is the necessary metastasis.” You cannot reject the Pope or Vatican II, which is a rejection of Church teaching. This is covered in Canon 751 of Canon Law outlined above. It is acceptable to feel anger towards Church officials whether they are Bishops or Cardinals or even the Pope. It is also acceptable to publicly address and condemn the abuses, confusion and misconduct by clergy and demand accountability. Furthermore it is absolutely acceptable to write articles or create videos clarifying the Catholic Church teachings. You can bring matters that concern you to your Bishop. And yes, you could even write to the Vatican as a last resort. But all of this you must do respectfully. This may not seem like you have much say in the Church, but in the end, someday when you meet Christ and he asks for an account of your life on earth, you will be able to say, “I remained in your Church and obeyed your servant on earth, the Holy Father”. You will undoubtedly then be entitled to hear those glorious words, "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master." (Matthew 25:21) Some have questioned the fairness of Vigano’s trial based on the fact that individuals who have committed more serious offenses have not faced similar scrutiny. You cannot compare Vigano’s actions to those of any other person. Archbishop Vigano should be held accountable for his statements regardless of whether others have been held accountable for seemingly worse actions. Each individual's accountability rests on their own merits and should not be justified or excused by comparing it to the actions of others. These are distinct and separate matters that should not be conflated. Destroying unity and bringing about division in the Church, is always the work of the devil and we should resist it at all cost. As Bishop Robert Baron says, “We have to fight for the Church, not against the Church”. Everyone today is getting their catechism from the Internet. No one is listening to the Church. While many feel uneasy at times with the way Pope Francis handles his office, we must keep reminding ourselves, that the Holy Spirit put him there and since our Church is the Church Christ founded, there is nowhere else for us to go, nor should we want to.

  • @John_Malloy
    @John_Malloy 4 дні тому

    Apb Vigano is doing exactly what his state in life requires him to do. The only question is where are the rest of the bishops.

  • @Mutasis_Mutandis
    @Mutasis_Mutandis 4 дні тому

    No, he has not gone too far.

  • @NormBaker.
    @NormBaker. 5 днів тому

    🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥Vigano is a crook and a millionaire. He ripped off his brother and his sister and the courts ordered him to pay them back

  • @inhocsigno9151
    @inhocsigno9151 5 днів тому

    Arbp Vigano is right about Pope Francis apparent support of Globalism & for Covid vax, warnings of Freemasonic infitration into the RCC to destroy it, the evils of Pachamamas, Mccarrick, attending a pagan ceremony with the Western Spirit Grandmother with her chicken bones. These evils are not Catholic Church Jesus Christ founded, IMO. Those that voice criticism are silenced, and so most clergy are afraid to speak. That is why laity say 'They stand with Vigano'. Does Arbp Vigano know Pope Francis 'intends' to destroy the RCC? I don't know. That's the charge.

  • @margran8491
    @margran8491 5 днів тому

    a lot of cowards in the vatican. Monsignor Pope gives a lot of wrong information. Jorge Bergoglio is NOT the Pope.

  • @jomacoha7758
    @jomacoha7758 5 днів тому

    sloppy explanation made of jelly

  • @robertmanella528
    @robertmanella528 6 днів тому

    Pope Francis said on Easter Sunday that jesus christ death on the cross was a failure!! Jesus christ death on the cross is God's core plan of salvation!! Pope Francis should be on trial for hericy!!

  • @terezagrbin4357
    @terezagrbin4357 6 днів тому

    I stand for Vigano he is speaking truth and trying to defend church

  • @redsoil5821
    @redsoil5821 6 днів тому

    Not valid. It's all done by heretics.

  • @robertrivera1751
    @robertrivera1751 6 днів тому

    After watching your show, I thought think the appropriate question should be; is it a sin to stand with pachamama pope Francis.

  • @robertrivera1751
    @robertrivera1751 6 днів тому

    I can't help feeling that being obedient to pope Francis will get you a to hell, and, i don't pray for his intentions,but rather for his conversion and salvation.

  • @sanalzam1
    @sanalzam1 6 днів тому

    No, it is not! I stand withAchBishop Vigano!

  • @mmeyerdc
    @mmeyerdc 6 днів тому

    Supporting Vigano is schismatic, and it is for this reason, sinful.

  • @ytujackclough
    @ytujackclough 7 днів тому

    I stand with Vigano. Francis is a disgrace and should resign!

  • @Melos253
    @Melos253 7 днів тому

    This is taking us away from the issue of (and the Pope’s recent comments on) “ftry” in the seminaries.

  • @wmonger
    @wmonger 7 днів тому

    I stand with Vigano.

  • @glocal9464
    @glocal9464 7 днів тому

    Too many clergy in high places go along to get along.

    • @robertrivera1751
      @robertrivera1751 6 днів тому

      Absolutely, and many of their congregations, parishioners will follow.

  • @glocal9464
    @glocal9464 7 днів тому

    This pope has allowed some clergy to promote evil.

  • @jacobrahe8726
    @jacobrahe8726 7 днів тому

    And another protestant church starts by a priest let’s not act like we’ve never seen this before in history

    • @stacycharrette8909
      @stacycharrette8909 3 дні тому

      Straw man…..he CLEARLY states that he loves the Catholic Church is will never leave.

  • @paulmclaughlin710
    @paulmclaughlin710 7 днів тому

    Vigano was Nuncio and did nothing about McCarrick

    • @paulmclaughlin710
      @paulmclaughlin710 7 днів тому

      Further McCarrick used his Irish charm and fund raising skill to gain the attention of JP2 and Benedict. He was not given a Red Hat by Francis. In fact, Francis was the only one to take action against him. Yet the traditionalists sing vigano’s praises.

    • @robertrivera1751
      @robertrivera1751 6 днів тому

      @@paulmclaughlin710that is absolutely a lie.

    • @paulmclaughlin710
      @paulmclaughlin710 6 днів тому

      @@robertrivera1751 he was Nuncio and arranged that stupid meeting with the woman from KY. He was Nuncio as the McCarrick mess played out. The people that suppressed the McCarriick mess were acolytes of JP2 and Benedict.

    • @paulmclaughlin710
      @paulmclaughlin710 5 днів тому

      @@robertrivera1751 Read what was sent to Vagino by Rome on what he was supposed to address the McCarrick problem. He did zero. This is a documented fact and American bishops know this and this why he has almost zero support from American bishops.

  • @markr447
    @markr447 7 днів тому

    I do not follow Francis for he is an apostate and false pope. His synodal way calling for the blessing of sin, his denying that hell is real while Christ warns us continuously in all the Gospels. Francis has brought chaos, confusion, disruption, and scandal to the Church and body of Christ. Vigano and Strickland and only a few courageous other Sheppards are calling out the errors and sinful nature of Francis. So no it is not a sin to stand with Christ and his Sheppard Vigano.

  • @mraemartinez
    @mraemartinez 7 днів тому

    We all know what is going on. Especially the Bishops & the Cardinals…the most WEAK & BETA of us all. They will pay dearly for their simpiness. I am with Archbishop Vigano. Man up!

  • @fernandom.olimencarnacao2252
    @fernandom.olimencarnacao2252 7 днів тому

    Vatican II is false. Viganò is a hero

  • @priscillatutuvanu9799
    @priscillatutuvanu9799 7 днів тому

    God is in charge 🙏 ❤

  • @waldocampos146
    @waldocampos146 7 днів тому

    The law kills but the spirit vivifies. The Vatican oks Rupnik and expels Vigano. The pope has the power or clericalism to force us to embrace ambiguity. The Lord told us: “ you can not serve two masters “…..

  • @zanafin8684
    @zanafin8684 7 днів тому

    2 Timothy 4:3-4 For the time is coming when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander away to myths. I will not follow the Wolves in sheep clothing into perdition! Viganò speaks the truth of the Catholic Faith, where as pope Francis seems to be setting the stage for the one world religion of The Antichrist.

    • @robertrivera1751
      @robertrivera1751 6 днів тому

      Many souls will be loss because of the weaponization of ambiguity perpetrated by pachamama Frances, spare is O Lord.

  • @joejohn1492
    @joejohn1492 7 днів тому

    It seems to me that Vigano et al are schismatics and heretics (denial of Vatican II) while others are merely in error. So that is the difference

  • @timdowling6950
    @timdowling6950 7 днів тому

    Francis I is making the same mistake that Leo X made in a similar situation.

  • @power4350
    @power4350 7 днів тому

    Can one be in schism with an apostate church?

    • @stacycharrette8909
      @stacycharrette8909 3 дні тому

      I think the schism will be between faithful Catholics who now have to try to discern following bergoglio as pope or taking the position of ab vigano. So a split within the Church.

    • @andrewangelopacheco9960
      @andrewangelopacheco9960 3 дні тому

      @@stacycharrette8909 The Church has been split since Vatican ll.

    • @power4350
      @power4350 2 дні тому

      @@stacycharrette8909 I think Vigano is right that there are 2 Churches, the Catholic Church which remains unchanged and the conciliar, synodal church. Both exist in the same space but are diametrically opposed to each other. I am a member of the former one and, God willing, always will be. As Vigano says it is an honour to be excluded from the latter one.

  • @abrahamphilip6439
    @abrahamphilip6439 7 днів тому

    Ex Communication is for serious matters , harming the Faith , Questioning a Poniff does not amount to harming the Faith , but a question of suspension , Ex Communication, like in the case of QE1 by St Pope Pius V, was the Ex Communicated of Protestantism itself, incidentally the source of the prophesied Apostasy, theologically in the leavens of the Faith by Faith Only, contrary to the revelation of "Render unto God what is to God " FAITH, without which it is not possible to please God but surely not a Leavened/Corrupted Faith as in *Protestantism's Faith Only In the very beginning many believed in the Erranous Faith Only philosophy amounting to mis interpreting Paul, for the reason of the Epistle of James that specifically states " It is not Faith Only, The correction The same grevious Error popped up through the Protestant reformation with Martin Luther rejecting James (one of the 3 constituting the inner circle of Jesus Christ) & the correction , The Trojan horse of the Apostasy

  • @carlosmachado4830
    @carlosmachado4830 7 днів тому

    Si bien el Arzobispo Viganó se propasó, hay que reconocer que el Papa Francisco se ha propasado en multiples ocasiones desde el principio de su papado y, lo peor de todo es que ha sido contra la Doctrina Cristiana.

  • @maureenavila9970
    @maureenavila9970 7 днів тому

    Dr, Taylor Marshall gave a good analysis of Archbishop Vigano's rational for his actions, even though he does not agree with him on all points.